검색버튼 메뉴버튼

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Study: 44% are unsatisfied with the pace of development at their companies. Don’t be part of the 44%

연구결과에 따르면, 44%의 사람들은 자기 회사의 발전 속도에 만족하지 않습니다. 그 44%가 되지 마십시오.

Steve Rotter @sjrotter

Entrepreneur, Evangelist, Author, Family Man, & CMO @outsystems.

Fascinated by great marketing, data visualization and building digital brands.


2017-03-16 People think being a founder of a company means you don’t have a boss. Hate to break it to them that it actually means everyone’s your boss.

창업자라고 하면 사람들은 상사가 없어서 좋겠다고 한다. 하지만 사실 창업자에게는 모든 사람이 상사이다.

Robert Bowling @fourzerotwo

Co-Founder @THE__LABEL | #indiedev investor | Previously; The @CallofDuty guy,

VP @humble | Full career here: http://creative.ceo

2017-03-15 Being positive won’t guarantee you’ll succeed. But being negative will guarantee you won’t.

긍정적인 태도가 성공을 보장하지는 않는다. 하지만 부정적인 태도로는 확실히 성공할 수 없다.

Jon Gordon @JonGordon11

Husband, Father, author of The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, Training Camp and more.

I am passionate about developing positive leaders, organizations and teams.

2017-03-19 To remember what you read, don’t reread or highlight it. Summarize it and share it with others.

당신이 읽은 것을 기억하려면 반복해서 읽거나 밑줄 치며 읽지 마십시오. 내용을 요약해서 다른 사람들에게 얘기하십시오.

Adam Grant @AdamMGrant

Author: ORIGINALS, GIVE AND TAKE. @Wharton professor.

@NYTopinion writer: work & psychology. Ex-diver. Arguing like I’m right, listening like I’m wrong

2017-03-20 Dear CEO, If digital transformation and use of AI is not a boardroom discussion for your company, then you need new board members.

CEO 여러분, 디지털 시대와 인공지능이 당신 회사의 이사회 안건이 아니라면 이사진을 새로 구성하셔야 합니다.

2017-03-21 “Nearly all successful people begin with two beliefs: 1. The future can be better than the present 2. I have the power to make it so”

거의 모든 성공한 사람들에게는 두 가지 믿음이 있었다: 1. 미래는 현재보다 나아질 수 있다. 2. 나는 그렇게 만들 능력이 있다.

Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar

Chief Digital Evangelist, @Salesforce | Blog: @HuffingtonPost | Book: http://bit.ly/tposbe | Show: @DisrupTVShow

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