검색버튼 메뉴버튼

영어에도 명품이 있다

오석봉 | 10호 (2008년 6월 Issue 1)
What is ‘high-end product’?
명품 시대를 사는 요즘 젊은 사람들은 이 말을 마치 우리말처럼 사용한다. High-end product는 이른바 고급 또는 고가 상품이다. High-end의 영어 정의는 expensive and of very high quality다. 함께 어우러지는 단어들은 다음과 같다.
High-end workstation, projector, graphics, web site, PC, gaming, holiday
1. What are the three types of distribution strategies, and which one would you most likely use if you were trying tosell a unique, high-end product?
2. What do you think is one of the most powerful forms of promotion that companies do not have direct control over?
다음의 대화를 잘 이해한 후 질문에 대한 답을 써보자.
Dialog 1
A: I think this is going to be the star product of our company.
B: You think so? I mean, it’d better be, because your entire team gave up sleep for a whole year, didn’t you?
A: We did, indeed. But it’s not the end. We still have a few more months until we finally get to sleep.
B: Really? What’s left now?
A: Many things. But since our product is a unique, high-end product, we have to come up with the mostappropriate distribution strategy.
B: What are the options?
A: So basically, there are three types of distribution strategieswhich are: exclusive, selective, and intensive. We’re thinking an intensive strategy would probably not beappropriate, since there would not be a large number ofpeople who could afford the high-end product.
B: Then you should decide between exclusive and selective?
A: Yes. Our product would most likely be best distributedthrough an exclusive or highly selective distribution strategy. But it’s taking longer than we expected to choose one, which is why I am so frustrated. I just want to get some sleep,
that’s all.
B: I feel you. But hang in there. Good luck!
이제 여러분의 답과 모범 답안을 비교해보자.
1. The distribution strategies are exclusive, selective, and intensive. A unique, high-end product would most likely be best distributed through an exclusive or highly selective distribution strategy. An intensive strategy would probably not be appropriate, since there would not be a large number of people who could afford the high-end product. Maintaining some exclusivity in the distribution channel would also add to the unique, high quality image of the product.
2. One of the most powerful forms of promotion that companies do not have direct control over is word of mouth(WOM) advertising from customers’ family, friends, and other people who they trust. Companies can try to encourage WOM by strong customer service, hiring people to promote particular products, and create a buzz within their peer networks and even reward customers with discounts for referrals to their friends. For an interesting perspective on how trends spread through WOM, read: Gladwell, Malcolm, (2000), The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Little Brown & Company.
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