2019-12-17 There is trust-building power in standing up and saying, “I was wrong.” 앞으로 나서 자신의 잘못을 인정하는 순간 신뢰가 생긴다. Scott Cochrane @WScottCochrane Vice President- International, Global Leadership Network.
2019-12-18 Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence. 리더십이란 당신이 있을 때 다른 사람들이 성장하고, 당신이 없을 때 그 영향이 지속되는 것이다. Diana Jones Leadership coach, author, LeadershipMaterial
2019-12-16 Comparison is really unhealthy, but observation without judgment or jealously is stuff legends are made of. 비교는 건강하지 않다. 편견과 질투가 아닌 관찰이 수많은 거장을 탄생시켰다. Andrew LaCivita @arlacivita Award-winning author of The Hiring Prophecies and Interview Intervention
2019-12-15 Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell. 당신의 고객이 무엇을 원하는지 알고 싶은가? 짐작하지 말고 물어봐라. Adanna @adanna_bee Founder & Principal Consultant